Quake 3 arena browser version
Quake 3 arena browser version

quake 3 arena browser version

The current public beta version of Quake Live is nearly identical to the Quake 3 Arena online shooter from ten years ago. All levels, characters, weapons, graphics and sounds have, however, been developed independently. Open Arena and Arena Live are both based on id Software's Quake 3 Arena engine, which is available under the GNU Public License. While Quake Live currently only runs on Windows-based systems (with Mac OS X and Linux support reportedly coming soon), Arena Live runs in Mozilla's Firefox web browser on Linux platforms and will probably be ported to other operating systems in the future. Arena Live aims to emulate Quake Live, a free to use, professionally produced version of Quake 3 Arena from id Software that's financed by advertising. The developers behind open source shooter Open Arena have released an initial test version of the browser-based version, Arena Live. Free online shooter Arena Live being played in Firefox under Linux.

Quake 3 arena browser version