On July 15th, 2014, Shadman's rule 34 comic featuring the characters Violet and Helen Parr from the 2004 animated film The Incredibles was submitted to the /r/rule34 subreddit, where it accumulated upwards of 2,100 votes (92% upvoted) in the next three weeks.

On March 29th, Shadman launched the Shadbase Tumblr blog, highlighting many of his original artworks. On January 22nd, 2013, the Twitter feed was launched, gaining over 8,400 followers in the next two years. On July 9th, 2012, Redditor Middy13 submitted an animated GIF comic by Shadman featuring the Team Fortress 2 Pyro to the /r/tf2 subreddit (shown below, left) In the first three years, the video gained over 1.04 million views and 3,500 comments. On October 7th, YouTuber Lyle McDouchebag uploaded a parody video in which he impersonates Shadman and demonstrates how to illustrate a nude cartoon character using only scribbles on a touch pad (shown below). On January 29th, 2011, the Shaddai Prejean Facebook page was launched, garnering upwards of 11,200 likes in the next five years. On March 28th, 2010, the Shadman YouTube channel was created, which features speed drawing videos by the artist (shown below). Personally, I think he's pulling a fake out, but we won't know until something happens.On July 10th, 2009, Shadman created an account on the entertainment portal site Newgrounds, where he began sharing his original artwork. One man even claimed he was going to commit suicide. On the Sleep Paralysis page now, the comments are mostly positive or do believe he is leaving forever. However, the post IS still accessible, if you type in the exact URL, so he did not completely delete it. Which, most people here probably know, "Going to the store to get cigarettes" is a stereotypical thing fathers say before abandoning their children, implying he won't be coming back for a while. What's more concerning is that on the "Sleep Paralysis" comic, he has changed the description to "Im going to the store to get cigarettes, do you need anything?" You can no longer find it unless you explicitly type the URL now.

He took the images off the main page, so instead it shows the last image before that, "Sleep Paralysis". When you go to shadbase, it shows the most recently uploaded picture on the main page. "That’s amazing, of course you don’t wanna finish **** I like, cuz ur shad." "thanks shad, i got eye cancer once again.Kepp drawing gay *****. "Stupid ******* nasty faggot, the loli **** was good, the normal **** was good but the second you turned into a cum drinking faggit this site turned to ****" Even the users who liked the art still had something to complain about. Shadman uploaded a picture within the last few days of Reaper from Overwatch getting ****** in the butt by a horse, "Reaper Horse (Unfinished)", and the entire comments section was full of complaints of some sort or another.