I hope they fix the issues because it's a pretty good site otherwise.

DeviantART does have serious problems, that's for sure. It was only until the 8th or 9th that the searches showed anything different. The supposedly newest items in all four searches were from the 1st (actually one was from June 30th). Well, none of these changed in the first week of July. These searches usually work quite well to find new photos I might like. My four searches are: Velvia, Tri-X, Ilford, and Holga. Not that all digital photos are snapshots, but it's a good filter and I want to encourage fellow film users with fav's. So I've customised my front page with four searches for film-related keywords, filtering out all of the useless digital-using snapshots.

Because many of the photography categories are now crammed full of snapshots, it is now impractical to 'browse' them looking for interesting new photos to fav'. I just experienced this myself the last week. There is already a mention of that problem in Site functionality issues. The preceding unsigned comment was added by ( talk

Deviant Administration are not even doing any action to protect other deviant members for harassment and slanderous. There are lots of girls in deviantArt who's been harass, and their picture have been stolen by fellow deviant members and use it in other site like porn site.

Yes, deviantArt is not a safe place, especially to girls.